Get Foresight into the Future and Beat Market Volatility
Forecast and Protect Project Financials at Every Stage
Build sufficient margin into each project to make it profitable. Create a project plan with an appropriate resourcing strategy. Track and compare revenue, cost, forecast vs. actual, profit margins, and overheads. Take corrective action and control project costs ahead of time.
Forecast Resource Excess/Shortage and Bridge the Gap
Forecast capacity vs. demand from multiple perspectives, i.e., by role, department, team, location, skills, etc. Identify short or long-term shortage/excess of resources ahead of time and bridge the gap. Then, take corrective actions, such as, retrain current employees or hire recruits early.
Forecast Project Vacancies and People on the Bench
Get foresight into project vacancies and people who will end up on the bench once they are rolled off from their current assignments. Next, identify new requirements by location and match them with the requisite quantity and type of resources needed. Finally, build a resource planning strategy.
Forecast and Improve Billable Resource utilization
Get deep foresight ahead of time into the overall utilization of every resource. Move resources from non-billable or low priority to billable or high priority work. Maintain a balance between a minimum and maximum billable utilization rate for each consultant for profitability.
Detect Risk Early and Mitigate It Before It Becomes an Issue
Build a robust risk management and mitigation strategy followed by a project plan. When potential risk becomes an issue, create an additional task for its resolution and incorporate it within the project plan. Get additional budget approved if required for an alternate approach.
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See how intuitive and effective our resource management solution is by booking a free, custom-configured trial.